Fatuzzo Books

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late 1940's


Giacomo Fatuzzo was born in Vittoria, Sicily in 1900. After graduating from the Italian Military Academy of Modena, he joined the Italian Army and became a career military officer. His long and distinguished military career culminated with his appointment as General of the Italian Army Corp.

General Fatuzzo retired from the military in 1960. Highlights of his military career include:

  • War Campaigns: Italian East Africa 1936 (southern front). Greece 1940.
  • Rewards for Bravery: 2 Bronze Medals of Military Valor. Promotion for merit in war.
  • General Staff Assignments: Station Head of Services in the Royal Corps Colonial Troops in Cirenaica, Libya (1933-35). Station Head of training in the Royal Corps Colonial Troops in Tripoli (1935). Section Chief of Operations and Information Services for the Libyan colonial operations in East Africa - southern front (1936). Station Head of Office Services of the Armed Forces Command in Harar, Ethiopia (1936). Section Chief of Operations and Information Services of the Alpine Division Julia in Albania (1939-40). Head of the 4th Section of the Army General Staff Training Branch (1942-43). Chief of Staff of the Alpine Division Alpi Graie (1943). President of the Army Section (Section Terre) of the International Committee for the European Defense Alliance, Paris (1953-54).
  • Teaching Activities: Professor of General Staff Services (1947-49) and of Policies and Economics of War (1949-51) in the reconstituted Italian War College. Professor of Military Policies (1950-51) in the reconstituted Italian Air War School. Director of the Institute of the Combined General Staffs (now the Institute of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1954-56). Director of the 1st Section of the Center of Advanced Military Studies (1958-60).

As an author, General Fatuzzo wrote and published a number of articles and books. He published his first book, a novel (Due anime nel sole), early in his military career - when he was a Lieutenant stationed in Libya, then an Italian colony. In 1970 his non-fiction book chronicling his own devastating war experience in Italy's 1940 campaign against Greece (Storia dell <<Julia>> nella campagna di grecia) was published in Italy and became an award winning bestseller. Until now, it has never been translated into English.

General Fatuzzo died in Albisola Marina, Italy in 1975.

Giacomo Fatuzzo

a soldier - a teacher - a writer - a philosopher
